How To Use tiny intern
tinybio intern is an easy way execute bioinformatics tasks in R or Python via chat on Our intention is to let bioinformaticians have a fast web app that quickly writes code and has the ability to self correct when errors happen.
The product is especially adept at executing tasks for:
- QC. We have the following applications installed for this:
- fastqc
- DESeq2
- Seurat
- TrimGalore
- BBSplit
- UMI Tools
- samtools
- gffread
- Graphing. The following applications are installed for this:
- ggplot
- seaborn
- matplotlib
- pandas/numpy
- data.table
- dplyr
- Dataset exploration. The following applications are installed for this:
- Deseq2
- Seurat
- ClusterProfiler
- pheatmap
- tidyverse
The virtual machines that tinybio intern runs on has the following specs:
- 4 vCPU
- 4 GB RAM
- 10 GB storage
If you would like to use tinybio intern on a stronger instance please reach out to
Updated 5 days ago